Although the ASD radon mitigation system practice seems relatively simple, there are advanced methods that can be used to determine the best location to place the suction point(s). Black Dog Radon Services performs a pressure field extension test and simple air flow test to insure that the radon remediation system will work as designed before it is installed. In some cases additional suction points, a larger suction or larger volume fan may be required for proper radon reduction levels operation in all weather conditions. Occasionally we run into difficult situations where short radon tests (6 minute grab samples or sniffs) are made to determine the best location to lower the radon levels in the structure. The radon diagnostic process is a bit time consuming but our goal is to provide our customers with the best radon mitigation system done right once rather than the” poke and hope” method used by some inexperienced or short cut radon contractors that may result in with multiple call backs to correct the home radon levels. We don't want to be that bump in the road when a real estate transaction is the driver for acceptable reduced radon levels.
Radon Grab Sampler